Home Cairns News Community Input For English Street Renewal

Community Input For English Street Renewal

Community Input For English Street Renewal

Tablelands Regional Council is seeking the community’s input into the refurbishment of English Street in Malanda.

‘English Street is scheduled to be resurfaced as part of this financial year’s road renewal program,’ said Councillor Dave Bilney.

‘This provides us with the opportunity to look at how we can make improvements to pedestrian safety and parking, and work towards the community’s aspirations identified in the Malanda Master Plan.

‘This project will benefit the community now and into the future.

‘We have prepared two designs that acknowledge the community’s suggestions and we’re keen to see which is the most popular.

‘It is important for the community to provide their input and perspective to ensure we get it right.

‘You can have your say on the designs by heading to Shaping our Tablelands or emailing communityengagement@trc.qld.gov.au before 19 November, or at one of our drop-in sessions,’ said Councillor Bilney.

Drop-in sessions are in the Malanda Chamber of Commerce room, next to the library:

  • 9am–2.30pm Friday 30 October
  • 9am–1pm Saturday 31 October
  • 2–7pm Monday 9 November


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