Home Australia Today State Govt Cost of Living Relief Continues to Roll Out in Fnq

State Govt Cost of Living Relief Continues to Roll Out in Fnq

State Govt Cost of Living Relief Continues to Roll Out in Fnq
Image from WizardStrategy
Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
The Honourable Dr Anthony Lynham

Nearly $24 million in Palaszczuk Government COVID-19 relief has helped around 118,500Far North  Queensland households with their power and water bills – with more financial relief to come.

Member for Cairns Michael Healy said the $200 rebates have been applied to power bills as the fastest way to get financial relief to households.

Another $50 credit off power bills will follow from 1 September: a dividend payment to Queenslanders as shareholders in the state’s publicly-owned energy businesses.

“The economic fallout from the pandemic is affecting families and household budgets around the world – including right here in Queensland,” Mr Healy said.

“Queensland has an economic strategy to drive our recovery by focussing on creating jobs.

“And Queensland has the lowest power prices on the eastern seaboard.

“But this is the most difficult period many Queenslanders have ever experienced and we will help households through.

“I know cost of living relief is always important, particularly for young families, people on fixed incomes and jobseekers,” Mr Healy said.

“But these are unprecedented time, and many of households in FNQ,like people around the globe, are facing financial stresses they have not seen before.

“Our COVID-19 economic relief package is making a tangible difference to people’s lives.”

Energy Minister Dr Anthony Lynham said on top of the $200 utility rebate, the Government was bringing forward a planned $50 dividend payment off power bills – with another $50 dividend locked in for the 2021-2022 financial year.

“This means households in FNQwill receive $250 in utility relief this year – all possible because Queenslanders own their energy assets – including Ergon,” he said.

“As always, I encourage everyone to visit the Smart Savings website to check their eligibility for other energy concession and rebates.

“And if any householder needs assistance to pay their power bill I urge them to contact Ergon to discuss their options.”


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