Home Cairns News Students Pitch in to Enhance School’s Entrance

Students Pitch in to Enhance School’s Entrance

Students Pitch in to Enhance School’s Entrance

Parramatta State School is getting a new, green and refreshed look, thanks to a partnership between the school and Cairns Regional Council.

Students put down their pens and exercise books today and donned gloves to help plant trees and shrubs, which will enhance the front of the school.

Council has supplied about 180 plants for the project, assisted with soil preparations and landscaping, and helped install an automated irrigation system.

The school will be responsible for the maintenance of the gardens and has supplied the remainder of the irrigation system.

Almost 100 metres along the school frontage will be enhanced as a result of the project, with Council planting the initial 67 metres, leaving the remainder for the school and its students to complete.

Division 5 Councillor Amy Eden, who joined students this morning to assist with the planting exercise, said the social and educational benefits of the project were significant.

“This is a wonderful project that helps to create pride of place, which is so important in building a sense of community and belonging,” Cr Eden said.

“It ties in with the school’s environmental program and focus on sustainability and is another wonderful example of Council is working in collaboration with another organisation to achieve positive outcomes and enhance our city.

“Getting young people involved in tree planting activities helps to plant the seed of the rich benefits of a green and sustainable community and it also ties in well with the school’s education program.”

Parramatta Sate School principal Michael Patane said the project would add to the visual appeal of the school and engage students in sustainable practices.

“At Parramatta Sate School we provide quality learning in the heart of the city,” he said.

“We pride ourselves on our improving our environment and look for ways to engage students in sustainable practices.

“Our students have worked hard all year keeping our school clean and green by recycling, cleaning up our school grounds and installing new garden beds.  We take great pride in the appearance of our school and the city.”


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